Answers to 5 Golf Cart Injury Questions

Injuries arising from Golf Cart crashes tend to be serious in nature. There are few protections on the golf cart for a passenger, especially if the crash is versus a vehicle or even another golf cart. Also, passenger ejection cases — which occur with frequency — many times occur over pavement. Here are answers to 5 golf cart injury questions, specific to Florida law.
- ARE THE LAWS THE SAME FOR GOLF CARTS AS AUTOMOBILES IN FLORIDA?No. There are some basic laws that apply to both, but there are also sharp differences. This includes that golf carts are restricted to where can legally travel. It includes the maximum speed a golf cart can travel. It includes whether a golf cart has to be outfitted with turn signals, brake lights, headlights, etc. And, the minimum age (14) for an operator of a golf cart is different than the age (16) for an unaccompanied automobile driver in Florida. It includes what insurance applies to a golf cart injury.
- DOES AUTO INSURANCE COVER GOLF CART INJURIES?That depends upon: the type of golf cart involved, what type of auto coverage the at-fault person has, what type of homeowner’s coverage the at-fault driver has, and whether the owner of the golf cart was the operator of the golf cart. The answer to this question can also depend upon where the incident occurred.
- DO ALL PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS KNOW HOW TO HANDLE GOLF CART INJURY CASES?No they don’t. This is because there are laws which apply only to golf carts. Golf cart cases are not car accident or dog-bite cases. If you are inquiring of an attorney whether they can handle your golf cart injury case, ask them to tell you specifically how many golf cart cases they have handled in the past year, or in the past five years. The answer is likely to be “zero”. At our golf cart injury law firm we have recovered six-figure and seven-figure recoveries for our clients. Would you rather trust your case to a lawyer who has not handled a golf cart case in five years, or one who handles them regularly like we do?
- WHY WOULD A LAW FIRM PRETEND THEY HANDLE MULTIPLE GOLF CART CASES?Money. Simple as that. We see law firms who list 20 different areas of practice, or more: they claim they do: auto cases, dog-bite cases, aviation crashes, medical malpractice cases, medical device recalls, sinkholes, etc. Yes, a law firm who has never handled one single golf cart injury case will take in your case and try to handle it. But if you needed heart surgery would you go to a heart doctor who had never performed one heart surgery? Neither would we.We are not that. We are specialists in the area of law in which we practice.
- DOES IT MATTER WHETHER I HIRE A GOLF CART ATTORNEY SPECIALIST?Yes. A recent case is a reminder. A client came to us after the car-accident law firm had kicked her out because they could not figure out how to recover for her after months of trying. We handled the case and obtained the maximum insurance amount of $100,000.00 for her. We also recently concluded a golf-cart crash case where the automobile insurance company blamed our driver 100% for the intersection crash with a car. We engaged our experienced team immediately on the case, employed videography of the crash scene, retrieved black-box data from the car, and used expert analysis of the scene to recover the maximum insured amount of $250,000.00 for our client.Why take a chance with the dog-bite or car-accident attorney? Put the golf cart accident attorneys to work on your golf cart injury case.