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When and Where Can Golf Carts Be Operated Legally in Florida?

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

If you spend any length of time in Florida, especially in or around popular retirement communities, you know that it can seem like golf carts are everywhere, all the time. However, the state and many local neighborhoods have several laws pertaining to when and where golf carts can be operated. Here’s what you need… Read More »

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Who Can Be Held Liable for a Golf Cart Accident Besides the Driver?

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

In some golf cart accident cases, the other driver is not necessarily the only responsible party — and occasionally, they may not be the responsible party at all. Here’s who else may be held liable for damages as a result of a golf cart accident. The Golf Course The golf course can be held… Read More »

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Are Golf Carts Actually Dangerous?

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

Few people consider golf carts “dangerous” like they would a fast sports car or motorcycle. They move much slower than other types of motor vehicles and don’t necessarily corner like they’re on rails. They’re often thought of as being used for leisurely activities, like riding around a retirement community or a lazy afternoon at… Read More »

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5 Don’ts at a Deposition in a Personal Injury Case

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

You Will Not Have to Sit for a Deposition Unless Your Case Is in Litigation. There are 5 common mistakes made by claimants at a deposition. Talking too much. This occurs repeatedly by talkative people. Example: if the question is “What day of the week is today?”, there is a ONE-word answer for that… Read More »

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Can You Sue the Manufacturer of a Golf Cart After an Accident?

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

While some golf cart accidents are caused by the negligence or carelessness of another driver, other golf cart accidents are caused by the negligence of the golf cart manufacturer. In some cases, you may be able to bring a claim against the manufacturer either alone or in addition to a claim against another driver… Read More »

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What Are the Basics of a Golf Cart Accident Claim?

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

Contrary to Popular Belief, Golf Cart Accident Can Be as Devastating as a Motor Vehicle Accident. If you or a loved one were injured in a golf cart collision, help is available. Understand these basics about golf cart injury claims and what your next step should be. 1. What Is the Statue of Limitations… Read More »

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Should You Report a Golf Cart Fender Bender?

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

A golf cart fender bender might not seem like a big deal. You were going pretty slow and nobody seems to be seriously injured at first glance. It may be tempting to walk away from the accident without a second thought. But should you? Perhaps not. Think twice before agreeing not to file an… Read More »

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Two Facts You Might Not Realize About Golf Cart Accidents

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

It’s still the summer season and that means more people are out enjoying golf carts, whether they’re on a vacation beach house or out on the courses. Most people don’t realize that golf cart injuries may be severe and require medical attention. Basics of Golf Cart Accidents If you’ve been hurt in a golf… Read More »

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When Other Golf Cart Drivers Are Reckless

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

Although golf carts are generally regarded as safe vehicles because they don’t go very fast, this is a common misconception. When drivers are careless, golf carts can be quite dangerous. Collisions can cause serious injuries and death, even at slower speeds. Here are some ways drivers can be irresponsible behind the wheel of a… Read More »

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Why Do Golf Cart Rollover Accidents Occur?

By Golf Cart Accident Site |

There are many ways a golf cart accident can happen — a golf cart can collide with an inanimate object, with another golf cart, or roll over. Of these types of accidents, a rollover can be the most damaging. Here’s why golf cart rollover accidents occur, what you can do to prevent them, and… Read More »

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