Golf Cart Head Injuries Are Most Common

Golf cart accidents can be as serious as some car accidents, contrary to popular belief. In fact, a 2011 study showed that head injuries were the most common type of injury to occur in a golf cart collision. Here’s what you need to know about golf cart head injuries and how you can get help if you or a loved one were involved in a golf cart accident.
2/3 of Golf Cart Injuries Were to the Head
A 2011 study published in Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery indicated that out of the 68 people treated for golf cart injuries at the Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta between 2000 and 2009, over 2/3 of patients suffered a head injury. The publication suggested that this included hemorrhages, losses of consciousness, and skull fractures.
Head Injury Complications
Head and brain injuries can be serious and even catastrophic in some cases. While mild concussions typically resolve by themselves over time, other more critical injuries may require hospitalization, observation, and even surgery. Depending on where in the brain the injury occurred, many outcomes are possible.
Head injury sufferers may experience changes in their behavior, personality, sleeping patterns, moods, and motor functions. Head injury victims who experience significant damage to brain tissue may notice that these issues persist several months or years, and in some cases, the changes may be permanent. In the most severe cases of head injuries, the patient will need round-the-clock care and may no longer be able to engage in day to day activities like eating, bathing, and dressing.
Getting Medical Help After a Golf Cart Accident
Head injuries can sometimes be difficult to detect. It’s not always apparent right away that someone struck their head in a golf cart accident, especially when the body is still in shock. The most important thing you can do after being involved in a golf cart collision is to seek immediate medical attention.
Emergency physicians should perform a number of tests to determine if a head injury is present, and in some cases, immediate action will need to be taken. Don’t postpone getting medical treatment after a golf cart accident — it’s crucial to know as soon as possible if a head injury has occurred.
When to Contact an Attorney
Golf cart crashes can be frightening — and expensive. If someone else was responsible for the accident, you shouldn’t have to incur the costs. Contact the Law Offices of Frank D. Butler today for more information on how to obtain the full and fair compensation you deserve after being hurt in a golf cart accident. Call now at (800) 253-2531.