Golf Carts Gain Legal Status in Vero Beach

Vero Beach is a popular spot for many golfers in Florida, and the area has now passed new ordinances that explain golf cart legality. Before the passing of this ordinance, many golf cart drivers were operating their golf carts outside of the Vero Beach Country Club – something that was technically illegal. Now, the City believes that these individuals should not have to worry about traffic tickets for riding their golf carts on public roads and sidewalks. But is this really safe?
Vero Beach Redefines Golf Carts as “Low-Speed Vehicles”
In April of 2024, authorities in Vero Beach passed a new ordinance that essentially redefined golf carts as “low-speed vehicles.” This could give golf cart operators the legal right to drive on Country Club Drive, Laurel Drive, and many other major public roads in the area. Remember, the law in Florida is that the road must be approved by the City and have compliant speed limits. (i.e., speed limit not higher than 30 mph for golf carts, and 35 mph for LSVs.) In some communities, golf carts also have the right to drive on the sidewalk. This means that unlike many other vehicles, golf carts may operate on both sidewalks and public roads—once again, if approved by the specific city.
In Florida, there is already a law in place that allows golfcarts to operate on sidewalks – but only if the sidewalks are at least eight feet wide—and approved by the governing city. For any other sidewalk, golf cart operators must steer clear. The difference between golf carts and low-speed vehicles is important in this context. Legally speaking, golf carts cannot be capable of speeds greater than 20 miles per hour. On the other hand, low-speed vehicles can have maximum speeds of 25 miles per hour.
Low speed vehicles have many more requirements compared to golf carts. These features include:
- Windshields
- Seatbelts
- Mirrors
- Reflective surfaces
- Lights
- License plates
- Insurance
In addition, the maximum capacity of low-speed vehicles is the same as the number of seats. For example, a low-speed vehicle with four seats can only carry four people.
Struck By a Golf Cart on a Sidewalk
Putting golf carts on sidewalks increases hazards for pedestrians and bicyclists. If you were struck by a negligent golf cart operator while walking down a sidewalk in Florida, you may have the right to pursue compensation. This is especially true if the golf cart operator was driving on a sidewalk narrower than 8 feet, or on one not designated as golf cart accessible by the governing body.
Find an Experienced Golf Cart Accident Lawyer in Vero Beach
If you were injured in a recent golf cart crash, contact a Florida golf car accident lawyer at (The Law Offices of Frank D. Butler). We have helped numerous injured claimants after golf cart crashes, and we know more about this area from our 25 years experience handling golf cart injury cases. Reach out today, book your 100% free consultation, to discuss your legal options in more detail.