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New Florida Law Changes the Law for Teen Golf Cart Drivers


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new bill into law that significantly impacts young golf cart drivers across the state of Florida. Effective October 1, 2023, HB 949 requires teens to have a permit or driver’s license to operate a golf cart on public roads.

Previously, Florida law allowed 14-year-olds to drive golf carts without any permit or license. This leniency led to children even younger than 14 taking the wheel, posing a safety risk to themselves and others. The new law aims to address this issue by requiring teens to be at least 15 years old with a learner’s permit or 16 with a driver’s license to operate a golf cart on public roads.

Sen. Erin Grall, the sponsor of the Senate version of the bill, emphasized, “There’s a level of training that we expect when people operate a vehicle on our public roadways.”

Who Can Drive a Golf Cart Now?

Under the new law, if you’re under 18, you must be at least 15 years old with a learner’s permit or 16 with a driver’s license to drive a golf cart. Even for those 18 and older, valid government-issued identification is now required.

What Qualifies as a Golf Cart?

According to Florida law, a golf cart is defined as “a motor vehicle designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for sporting or recreational purposes and not capable of exceeding speeds of 20 miles per hour.” It’s important to note that golf carts are not required to have insurance. But remember for golf cars—a/k/a low-speed vehicles, or LSVs—you must have insurance on your LSV. It is advisable to have good coverage on your LSV the same as you would on your vehicle.

Legal Consequences of Breaking the Law

Violating this new law could result in a noncriminal traffic violation, similar to a moving violation. State law enforcement agencies, including the St. John’s County Sheriff’s Office, have expressed their support for the bill, citing the increasing number of golf cart communities in Florida.

Director of Patrol Scott Beaver from the St. John’s County Sheriff’s Office stated, “We don’t need 14-year-olds operating a golf cart on a highway.”

Why This Matters

This new law is a significant step toward ensuring the safety of our roads, especially in communities where golf carts are a common mode of transportation, like Sun City Center, Top of the World or The Villages. It also brings attention to the unique legal aspects surrounding golf cart use, making it more important than ever to consult with specialized legal experts like the attorneys at, Frank D. Butler, PA, if you find yourself involved in a golf cart accident.

Where Are Golf Carts Permitted Under the New Law?

Starting in October, when the updated legislation becomes active, golf carts will be permitted solely on county roads earmarked by the county for golf cart usage, streets within a municipality that have received a similar designation, two-lane county roads that fall under the jurisdiction of said municipality, or pathways maintained and owned by a water district that has authorized golf cart use. For any doubts about where you can drive your golf cart in your community, check with your local city or municipal government.

After a public road is officially designated for golf cart use, the governing body in charge will be responsible for installing suitable signs that indicate the allowance of golf carts, along with outlining the specific criteria and age limitations for operating them.

Contact Frank D. Butler, PA

The new law is a good change for many who expressed concerns about the safety of young golf cart drivers. If you or a loved one have been involved in a golf cart accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to, the Law Offices of Frank D. Butler, PA, for expert legal advice and representation.


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